The count has gone up now to 14 to 1.
"we" seem to be programmed to not give a hoot about 'worldly' efforts to help people, whereas the actual worldlies care very much. Sad.
i've been conducting a little experiment.
if i post funny things on my facebook timeline, or interesting things, all my jw friends comment, like, share etc.. .
without fail though, (so far) , if i post something humanitarian, something charitable, some local interest good news story about the community coming together as one, it's very rare for any of my witness friends to 'like', comment, or share.
The count has gone up now to 14 to 1.
"we" seem to be programmed to not give a hoot about 'worldly' efforts to help people, whereas the actual worldlies care very much. Sad.
i've been conducting a little experiment.
if i post funny things on my facebook timeline, or interesting things, all my jw friends comment, like, share etc.. .
without fail though, (so far) , if i post something humanitarian, something charitable, some local interest good news story about the community coming together as one, it's very rare for any of my witness friends to 'like', comment, or share.
I've been conducting a little experiment. If I post funny things on my Facebook timeline, or interesting things, all my jw friends comment, like, share etc.
Without fail though, (so far) , if I post something humanitarian, something charitable, some local interest good news story about the community coming together as one, it's VERY RARE for any of my witness friends to 'like', comment, or share. In fact with the latest post, the ratio is ten to one worldlies/jw's!
Speaks volumes eh?
once upon a time, there was a world in flux, undergoing change and diversity at an imperceptible pace.
only with hindsight was it possible to catalogue the various paths being born that led to a word and humanity so very different one hundred years later than compared to any time in the homo sapiens past.. technology, warfare, the universe, the discovery of atoms... born in stars, all things forced upon the fragile minds of mortals in a short period of time.. these overwhelming changes led to the birth of many things, including comforts and hopes that were far to readily available to grasp ahold of.
as the founders of these comforts could not themselves grasp the world they found the self in, they sought the worlds they knew, the past, 4000 years in the past......the technicalities and truths were to be ironed out at another time, a time never reached.. some had no choice in the matter, the grasping was done by their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents.....when the time came for personal analysis, not only had they inherited comfort but great, great fears.
True dat. They like to keep it scary as a level of control. Gits.
what is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Sorry blondie, UK phrase, I'll consider myself reprimanded!
I should've said "how to conduct the watchtower study"!
Two sections on this. If they don't know how to do it yet, well, the mind boggles .
i bumped into a sister a while back, who was a law-student, immigration law.. .
at the time, i thought that it was unusual for a jw to be so open about going to uni.. after going through cdn jw court cases though, the highest percentage of cases involve foreign jw's claiming refugee status.. is this part of their growth strategy?.
africans who become jw's get strategic assistance to claim refugee status in western countries?.
Actually, no, TWO foreign language congregations now I come to think of it
i bumped into a sister a while back, who was a law-student, immigration law.. .
at the time, i thought that it was unusual for a jw to be so open about going to uni.. after going through cdn jw court cases though, the highest percentage of cases involve foreign jw's claiming refugee status.. is this part of their growth strategy?.
africans who become jw's get strategic assistance to claim refugee status in western countries?.
In my part of the UK, our biggest growth by far is European economic migrants. To the extent that we have a new congregation formed in one particular language.
what is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Ours was just recently.
Two sections on how to take the WT. Videos on how to treat returning df'd ones. Elders say "well, we're glad to see you've cleaned up your appearance".
What appearance? Nicotine stained fingers perhaps? Mouth sores from some STD he'd picked up while df'd? A black eye from a bar room brawl maybe? No. He'd grown FACIAL HAIR! The dirty reprobate.
Whatever. .....
once upon a time, there was a world in flux, undergoing change and diversity at an imperceptible pace.
only with hindsight was it possible to catalogue the various paths being born that led to a word and humanity so very different one hundred years later than compared to any time in the homo sapiens past.. technology, warfare, the universe, the discovery of atoms... born in stars, all things forced upon the fragile minds of mortals in a short period of time.. these overwhelming changes led to the birth of many things, including comforts and hopes that were far to readily available to grasp ahold of.
as the founders of these comforts could not themselves grasp the world they found the self in, they sought the worlds they knew, the past, 4000 years in the past......the technicalities and truths were to be ironed out at another time, a time never reached.. some had no choice in the matter, the grasping was done by their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents.....when the time came for personal analysis, not only had they inherited comfort but great, great fears.
Truth. Every time. But still living the lie. That can't be healthy!
Nicely put snare..
so i'm listening to the regional manager give his mid week talk and he's going over acts 15 where they're dealing with the issues that arrose from the jewish christians wanting the gentile christians to adhear too the mosaic law, so some of the apostles gathered to hash it out.
it struck me, though, that he kept using the phrase "the governing body at that time" to describe the apostles and older men who decided on the matter.
once he even slipped up and said apostles, then corrected it to the gb.. i'm thinking that they've actually gone so far as to put it in his outline to make sure its beaten into the r/f that the gb's power is somehow based in scripture.
We just had ours too, I started marking every time he used the term Governing Body, I think it was in the twenties by the end of the talk...
He also brought out the old doozie about the superior authorities and the fact that Jah allowed us to believe a doctrinal error for a while AS A PROTECTION for us during the war years....
Whatever ...
i never get tired of these youtube videos.. this one is called 'hitler leaves the jehovah's witnesses'.. he wakes up to ttatt when he cannot accept the 'overlapping generation' teaching..
That is VERY funny!